Workflow Automation

Workflow Automation is achieved by first clearly defining the processes and desired workflow within a testing lab. It allows for behavioral changes that are hard to implement from within an organization but are very important in improving quality and productivity. A review of the existing process is a necessary step to address weaknesses and inefficiencies while focusing on the purpose of the test organization. If a lab doesn’t have a documented workflow to start from, TestValet supplies a standard template from which a custom workflow can be developed.

Beyond the behavioral change that occurs with the advent of this tool, there are other benefits such as elimination of rework or retest. Communications improve naturally through well-defined steps and their automation. By making all actions traceable, metrics are easily defined to help the evaluation and management of the test resources.

Workflow Automation Module of TestValet

Workflow Automation Module: 

  • Automates manual, unreliable workflow
  • Defines specific steps assigned to users in a sequential manner
  • Updates dashboards for all users in real time
  • Captures action timestamps to provide clear picture of throughput pressure points
  • Helps to eliminate unnecessary, redundant actions
  • Provides automatic notification when a task is completed and the next action is assigned
  • Provides various levels of approvals via electronic signature
  • Enhances throughput and productivity
  • Eliminates human error by enforcing scrutiny, review, and action

TestValet offers intuitive GUIs with different permission levels that facilitate the workflow of each test. User-specific dashboards let users perform subsequent, logical steps in a single click action.

Context sensitive menu options revise a preset workflow based on changes implemented during a test cycle. Any changes in the workflow get recorded in the audit trail. The Workflow Module is configurable and customizable for different workflow steps, user roles, and notifications. Various workflows can be created within one organization and tied to a specific test template.

This module is a basic component of TestValet and involves the customization that each client receives as part of the overall package of TestValet.